About Us

Call Me Homey LLC a full service design firm based in Tampa, FL.
From your personal home, short term rental, to commercial space, allow us to transform your space. We pride ourselves in making the process smooth and providing the “wow” factor, with an aesthetic and functional space, curated just for you!
It was founded by Brittney, a wife and mom of two, and a fellow home décor enthusiast. Brittney discovered her passion for Interior Design when she bought her first home, a fixer upper. However, during the height of the pandemic, while trying to balance motherhood and working full-time, she discovered just how much she enjoyed and how therapeutic decorating her new home was- coupled with the challenge of building things with power tools were.We also carry a line of specially curated merchandise for Home Décor enthusiast and DIYers. After discovering there was a tribe of people just like her on social media, Brittney designed these merchandise exclusively with them in mind.
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